What Is The Relationship Between Psychosomatic Illnesses And Mental Health?

Are you experiencing physical symptoms caused by emotional or psychological stress?

Psychosomatic illnesses and mental health are closely linked. Psychosomatic illnesses come from both mind and emotional stressors that take their toll and manifestations on the physical body.
Research has shown that people who Carry a lot of resentment, anger, hatred and bitterness suffer from psychosomatic illness and disorders.

In other words oppressed or unattended to grief couse psychosomatic disorders as well as unaccountable tension that seems to choke the voice box like a silent scream. Psychosomatic diseases can manifest in various ways, affecting your overall well-being. So, it is not always tears that signal mourning but sometimes an enduring soreness from loss or simmering rage against injustice.

In essence prolong intense stress has also been related to illness like; psychosomatic disorders.
Mental health depends on its intersections with the environment (the outer world).
Conflicts with external/outer world happen frequently even with a perfectly steady circle of the inner world of a normal person. As a result of some different life circumstances, personal problems may get stuck in a certain area. Person starts to accumulate negative emotions. It becomes more and more complicated for an individual to properly understand his condition and to keep the inner circle stable.

Prof John Tibane says;
“60% of bodily ailments are a result of mental instability, wrong choice and wrong thoughts that leads to psychosomatic disorders, you’re sick in the body because you’re not well in the mind”.
The illness thought to be psychosomatic are;
➡ Asthma
➡ High blood pressure
➡ Arthritis
➡ Migraine headaches
➡ Stomach alcers
➡ Heart disease

Treatment for psychosomatic disorders typically involves a combination of physical and mental health intervention: Here are some common approaches:
➡ Cognitive-behavioral therapy ( CBT )
➡ Relaxation techniques
➡ Psychosomatic therapy
➡ Medications
➡ Family therapy
➡ Group therapy
➡ Self-help strategies etc

We can also try to treat this illness with some religious and spiritual habits.
Remember; forgive other who did wrong to you. When you let go and forgive you are able to heal yourself. We should choose to forgive even without being asked to forgive. One of the moral traits recommented in the Qur’an is forgiveness:

“Hold to forgiveness, command what is right, and turn away from the ignorant” ( Qur’an,7:199 )
In another verse Allah commands:
” They should rather pardon and overlook. Would you not love Allah to forgive you? Allah is Ever-Forgiving, Most merciful ” (Qur’an,24:22).

After learning this, you’ll know how to take care of your mental health, if you die today then after the burial, people forget about you completely. Yes that’s the human nature.
My friend, check your mental health!
Laugh as much as you can, be happy and never let anything disturb your mind.
Find presence amidst chaos, still, listen closely to what our heart whispers… even though this may be uncomfortable. When we breath deeply though pain there lies freedom. Long buried beneath conversations aimed at controlling everything about ourselves…. including grief.
People go through different challenges. It is pain after the others, but always wisdom demands kindness. You can cope this illness, (mental health and body) with the help of your positive behavior to make balance between mind and body.
Always be happy, you’ll add lots of years in your life!

As we strive to understand the intricate dance between mind and body, may we foster a culture of hope, resilience, and whole-person wellness. So only by illuminating the complexities of psychosomatic disorders, we can foster a culture of understanding and support.

Remember, you deserve a healthy and loving relationship that supports your mental well-being. If you’re experiencing any of these effects, consider seeking support from a mental health professional or a trusted friend/family member.

1 thought on “What Is The Relationship Between Psychosomatic Illnesses And Mental Health?”

  1. Great article! I really appreciated the insights on mental health .Your writing style is engaging and easy to follow. Looking forward to more content like this!

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