Relationship vs mental health

Our mental Health play a vital role of our over all well being. A person mental health determine how a person think, feel and behave . If a person is mentally Healthy
he/she can easily face the life challenges , If a person is mentally fit and Healthy, He/she can build a strong relationships and live a purposefull life.
Research suggests that people with healthy relationship tend to have a better mental health. Partners relationship also affect a child mental Health.Because raising
a child is not a joke, it’s a huge responsibility, Research suggests that people with strong relationship and mental health can wonderfully shape young life. On the other
hand, those who had always fight and disrespect each other,not living a Joyfull life. Failed relation not only disturbed their live but also destroy the young lives in their hand.
Here’s a rough estimate of the relation of mental health with strong relationship.[Keep in mind that these relation are approximate and based on various studies;]
1- Having at least one supportive relation can reduce stress by 50%.[source: Harvard Health publishing].
2- People with three to four close relationship can reduce stress and anxiety by 60%.[source: Psychology resource: psychology today].
3- People having five or six close and supportive relationship can increase happiness by 50% [source: Gallup].

Toddler need love and affection.
Remember:- Parent focus on child physical health but also keep in mind that mental health is as important as physical health.
Partner should solve their personal issues amicably for the sake of child. They have to priority self care, understand and support each others. A strong relationship can benefits a child growth , Because nurturing and investing on relation can have a significant impact on mental health. Parent should work on their relationship only working on their relationship can create a better atmosphere for young life which nature entrusted in their hand. Because toddler see their parents as their role model.
If your struggling with your mental health or facing crises with your partner ,remember that :
It’s okay not to be okay.
Just calm down and take a deep breathe and focus on areas where the problem is coming from just take care of yourself and try to things workout in amicable way and give your young soul a better and supportive environment. both positive and negative environment will affect their future So, demonstrate positive values behaviors and habits you want your child to adopt.

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